Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dooryard Kittens

Kitties do not pose well!
I have a little corner of ground tucked into my porch that looks like it would be a perfect little herb or flower garden. Every year someone brave gets the idea to put a little clump of something there in that cute little niche. Some years it has been veggies and some years it has been flowers. Year after year the combination of chickens, puppies, and the errant goat has made the little dooryard garden dream die into dust.

I stopped planting anything there years ago. The truth is that in order to get anything to grow around here you have to have an 8 foot high fence to protect it. That hasn't seemed aesthetically appealing to me, to put a tall fence around a tiny pie slice of ground. I watch my hopeful children and on a few occasions, my friends, plant and water to no avail. Nothing grows but mud or dust, depending upon the season...until this year!

This year it has grown a pair of kittens! Our two kittens have decided it is just perfect for their romping and napping. They are the perfect crop for me. They feed and water themselves on top of the old refrigerator and then return to their jobs of being scenic in front of my porch. One is a tabby point Siamese mix with blue eyes, the other is a grey butterfly tabby with no tail and enormous ears. They sleep, they roll and tumble, they groom each other on that little patch of dirt. As much as I have pictured the deep hues of lavender or irises in that spot, the muted colors of kittens are a close second. Besides, flowers don't purr.

I have decided, if life gives you dust...grow kittens!

I hope you all have a beauty day. I hope you have whatever equals kittens in your life to occupy your most disappointing spot of useless ground.

If you have time, please tell me what your kitten equivalent is.



*Reading Between the Lines* said...

Well...are you going to post some pictures of these pretty kitties?
Ummm...I guess mine has been weeds that grow or children OR grandchildren that like to "dig in the dirt".
God has "blessed us" with some wild flowers this year on the bank where there was road construction. (I even saw one of the neighbors noticing the flowers)
Maybe someday we will have a pet again...
Take care & see you soon. 8~)
Mommy 2

Lawana said...

I tried, Mommy 2! They would not cooperate.
: )